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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • ??? Plenty of people are pointing the same thing out

    It’s just you swinging this dude, and I’ve provided proof that you’re wrong, you’ve cherry picked a single definition and I provided multiple separate sources. As well had to explain how the minimalists phone still wouldn’t by definition ever be the “flagship” of its small and has no features.

    As you said, just fucking google it. You didn’t just look at one source now did you…? When researching you must look at more than a single source. Thats just being obtuse lmfao. If you “googled” it and did any actual investigating you should have seen that the deification you picked isn’t the standard one.

    And again, op has clarified their stance. The minimalist phone isn’t what they want/need so you using it as an example is just asinine and shows you missed the point completely lmfao. Give your head a shake bud.

  • They used to make small flagships.

    When??? You keep saying that, but flagships have always been large and fancy and never small and fancy. Can you provide an example? Because what it seems from every explanation you’ve made in this thread, you just don’t know what the term flagship means…

    Sounds like you just need to learn words properly, the only one wrong here is you using an established term incorrectly and are conflating a small phone as a “flagship” which has NEVER been the case. Please provide an example of a flagship being small and compact, I would love to see how you came to fuck this well established term up so horrendously.

  • And no phone manufacturer has ever called their small phones their flagships, so for to OP to say they miss them, is them not actually knowing what the term is.

    Can you provide an example of a phone that fits OPs definition as being sold as a “flagship”? Because OPs arguing for something that’s never been done before.

    Flagships CAN be small, but it’s never been done in history before, still waiting for an example, I’ve asked twice now. Because OPs barking up the wrong tree. That’s the issue here.

    You’re making this argument, while not providing anything to support it, I’ve even asked for a source to prove your point, all you’ve done is provide a definition that i then provided multiple that directly contradict the one you provided.

    Flagship phones isn’t limited to some arbitrary sized companies.

    In the history of the term, it’s never been a cigar boat dude…. It’s always the largest and fanciest, not the smallest and fanciest. Prove it dude. Step up or fuck off.

  • So the smallest and worst ship would be the flagship? That’s the defence? Lmfao because that makes total sense dude…. And how is that supposed to defend what a flagship is?

    How does that mean the smallest and most compact? As my original comment stated, that’s like claiming a cigar boat is the flagship, which no navy would do even if they were making smaller boats. Their largest and fanciest, would STILL be the flagship of the fleet….

    I “did read a dictionary”, which is maybe why I’m speaking? OP fucked up what a flagship is meant to be. Atleast I’m not the one making up new definitions to defend my asinine defence. How does the definition support your argument? It would STILL mean the best and most resourceful unit. Which wouldn’t be the smallest……

    the finest, largest, or most important one of a group of things (such as products, stores, etc.)  —often used before another noun

    Other definitions include “largest” why did you include the one that doesn’t…?

    is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels, typically the first, largest, fastest, most heavily armed, or best known.

    Which how is that the smallest and most compact…? That’s literally contradicting the established conventions dude lmfao. But again, bloviate about how you don’t understand language and want to make it what you want I guess…. Flagship has established conventions, and OP is asking for the opposite. Full stop.

  • This makes no sense. Large doesn’t mean fancy. Back in the day, making the phone smaller was fancy.

    Which has nothing to do with the the historical term and already established convention of the term “flagship”, no one has ever called their compact phone a flagship, got any proof to back that asinine claim up?

    The minimal company’s flagship phone is a minimal phone. It’s their signature phone. The flagship was the ship that had the ranking officer/admiral on it, representing the fleet. Apple, google etc all decided their flagship phone would be huge.

    If it’s not the fanciest and most expensive, then by definition and original convention, it’s no longer a flagship phone.

    Terms have specific uses, let’s not dilute them to make ourselves feel better. Language IS fluid, but when people are obstinate to already preestablished conventions… a small phone will never by definition eve be considered a flagship, but bloviate if you want.

  • Even if you drain them yearly and “descale” them, it’s never gonna be pretty in there.

    You can use a backflow preventer so it doesn’t go back into the city supply which lets you do what you please inside. Even irrigation systems need them, if a main break or a hydrant gets used to fight a fire. There’s the potential for there to be a drop in pressure and it pull stuff out of the ground (or hot water tank) back into the municipal supply.

  • Well, no the argument would be to remove them otherwise. It’s AGAINST that stuff.

    Life is sacred, even filth deserve to live. Dont support their business, dont serve them, eventually they will be off on their own and “segregate” themselves. If it’s their own doing and choice so they can survive, well they can be their own “remote tribe” and be with their own kind.

    They’re free to change their views and rejoin society, nothing is being forced on them or anything.

    We incarcerate people in jail when they’ve done something we’ve deemed wrong as a society and they are supposed to be changed and put back into society. How would this be any different? Why are going to eugenics lmfao, that’s a wild stretch dude.