My guess is they used his involvement to sell it to distributors. It says they have already made deals for international markets, likely getting more than they would have with a different actor.
It’s one thing to have a director’s cut because of studio meddling of the theatrical release, and it’s another to have one despite the director having creative control of both versions. What’s the point?
In this case he wanted to do an R rated film but the studio wanted PG13. They agreed that the first release would be PG13 he would also get to make his R rated cut for later release.
Iirc it was a cannon.
Ratchet rope might be what you want.
We overthrew their government and the government we put in power is more friendly toward us. How is that not imperialism?
Anakin was emotionally unstable during his battle against Obi-Wan
Surely being emotionally unstable is a major sign of a bad Jedi. Obi-wan had as much reason to be emotionally unstable but maintained control and won the day, thus is the stronger Jedi.