this is kinda the same idea… same container can be transferred from ship to rail to truck this is kinda the same idea… same container can be transferred from ship to rail to truck
Do you think this is satirizing homelessness? Might want to look at the picture again. This is satirizing an ad campaign by PETA (which, if you’ve been living under a rock for decades, stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and the ad campaign is to encourage people to let their pets sleep indoors. It has nothing to do with homeless people. Also, the satire in this case is valid, because PETA doesn’t give a flying fuck about treating animals ethically, they have a long history of stealing peoples pets and immediately euthanizing them.
ten weeds to a marijuana sounds pretty base-10 to me, and therefore metric
I feel like there might be a minimum age before being able to do this… I’m in my 40s and I don’t think I could stretch out my ‘bird bath’ enough to pour a drink in it yet, except maybe on a particularly warm day…
motherfuck, motherfuck,
Noinch noinch noinch.
Also as far as cooking hardware, glass-top stoves are very difficult to start fires on, and induction cooktops are even more, at least for stuff like boilovers and spilled food.
I’d also suggest taking some sort of cooking class, many community colleges have classes that you can take at night, and there are several businesses that offer classes as well. Getting used to the tools and techniques in a supervised environment can go a long way for confidence at home.
And also way more expensive than big government
In practice, that’s not what happens generally. A widget is $100, the 5% tariff brings it up to $105 and company bumps the price to $110. People need the widget so they buy it at $110. Tariff goes away, but company knows that people will pay at least $110 for the widget, so they try bumping the price to $115. Maybe it doesn’t sell, so they “discount” it back to $110 and people will happily buy it thinking they’re getting a deal, while the company is pocketing that extra $10.
google also allows offline caching, but also needs to be set up ahead of time. AFAIK once you set a region to download, it will update that cache regularly.
I would expect this is a feature that most map apps would offer
telling/showing the right way is a turn-off
I don’t think OP is talking about a PowerPoint presentation (unless that’s your kink, you do you), but more like some verbal cues “faster” “don’t stop” “a little lower” etc. If the guy has a reasonable amount of attentiveness and experience, he should be able to get her 80% of the way there. Also, little cues like that can be hot as well because we know she’s into it and stuff.
The worst part is that when the tariffs are lifted, we’ll thank them for lowering the prices by buying more of their shit. We’ll be grateful for the opportunity to pay even more into their profit margins.
Prices won’t go down, companies will pocket the difference
Also, before election day, the government is dissolved and the winners immediately assume office after. No lame duck period
yeah, and that is baked into the SoC, so it’s not like you could even just make a phone with a swappable antenna/modem module
Doing interviews when you know you have nothing on the line is a good way to practice, because you don’t need to care if you do badly. Bonus is, you might end up getting an offer for something better :)
not even bro-dozer trucks, I have a un-modified (unless you count dents and rust) ~10y old pickup and a fairly new ‘sporty’ sedan (i.e. low-profile tires, stiff suspension, somewhat lower to the ground). Sedan has to come almost to a stop or I will scrape something. In the pickup slowing down is optional (though I do because regardless of speed bumps I don’t want to hit someone)
Come join us on the QA side! I’m an automation developer, so it’s my job to make things automated :)
Sometimes… I’ve had lots of bad experiences with super slow checkout people. I would say most of the time, they were boomers themselves and spent half the time trying to make chit-chat.
That being said, I will still line up for a staffed checkout if I have a cart full because it is easier since I can bag and put in the cart as they’re scanning. But also, many of the self checkouts here have a limit of like 10-20 items posted.
yeah, 98 was trash. 98SE was good
I’d be willing to bet that Smaug caused less death and destruction than many (if not most) billionaires