A full set of the Florentine Codex or/and a copy of the Laud Codex since reproductions are rare.
A broken man, obsessed with 500 year old Mexican culture.
A full set of the Florentine Codex or/and a copy of the Laud Codex since reproductions are rare.
I wish I could form intimate relationships.
It’s not crazy when you know that the first micro transaction mount the $15 “Celestial Steed” made more money than StarCraft 2. WoW is a theme park like experience and now it’s being run like any other carnival or Disney World. The game is designed to bogart your time so now the owners of the game want to squeeze every penny from you while they have your attention. You’re right about WoW changing, but you also said that you were a day one player. I’m going to guess you’ve also changed and grown over the decades, neither of you are the same. Maybe it’s time to start finding another place to hang out in.
Sincerely, A Former Troll Priest
They all got away. I don’t know how any of them turned out; because I disappeared and became lost.
Nope. I’m going to stay vague so I won’t DOX myself, but the only stable job I could find in years is for an organization that doesn’t have the best intentions for humanity (or profit strangely enough) and actively hurts people.
Tools that are used to create human misery on a mass scale.
You’re right we should have stopped having children millennia ago. I wish my parents never met.
I read through the answers and I still can’t believe it.
Honestly my advice is to avoid the population at large as much as possible. Popular culture is bad for mental health.
I want it and even though I have the money I’m not spending $60 American on it. Same deal with the new Secret of Mana game.
Toss up between the Space Race or when mascots start running laps.
Do we even have Native Americans on the platform? I hope we do, there’s not a lot of them left.
Dogs. I don’t want to hear about yours and if I’m in public keep your dog away from me.
Purchasing a white noise machine was one of the greatest decisions of my life.
Happiness is for pussies.
Frankie from The Goon comics.
In my twenties life was a continual slog in a cycle of disappointment and desperation. That gave me something I could “steel myself” with.
You’re literally a century too late for that conspiracy.
This is a smoke screen. They’re going to seize the Everett True comics. SCATTER!!!
Goat cheese is the GOAT.