Paw Patrol. They seem to have a handle on things. How many shitty human presidents have we had? How many shitty dog presidents? I rest my case.
Paw Patrol. They seem to have a handle on things. How many shitty human presidents have we had? How many shitty dog presidents? I rest my case.
“Computer, load program ‘Bear Stearns in 2008’”
“Have you tried crack?”
100%-ing that shit during lockdown was one of the hardest gaming feats I’ve ever accomplished. Next lockdown is going to be the DLC.
Yeah XCOM 2 is one of my top games by playtime. That game has stolen so many nights with “one more mission”. Then they went and did that kickass expansion.
What about your spouse/partner? Maybe they’d have sex with you instead?
they’re insisting on dinner at 3pm
I understand why some people do this (our extended family included), but I fucking HATE it.
I was born in the 90s. I’m a grumpy old man
I feel my bones turning to dust reading this.
in nineteen-eighty
Immediately thought I was getting shittymorphed
You’re conflating “at will employment” with “right to work” laws.
Damn Martha and John catching some strays here. Guys, they’re his parents too.
Medium rare with a little bit of butter and thyme.
Plot Twist: You get arrested for using counterfeit money, the date on the money is probably invalid in 1980.
Now I’m genuinely curious if a bank would catch it if you tried using cash from the future. If there wasn’t a redesign, do they check serials and stuff if every other security measure is present?
I was resurrected against my will by a guy named Billy.
Get adopted by a ninjutsu master, train your entire childhood, then compete in the kumite for your family’s honor. Watch out for Chong Li, that fucker cheats.
I never read any of the books, I kind of fell off of Clancy quite a while ago. Worth reading?
And not including Sam Fisher would also be weird.
Hell yeah there’s more of us!
That’s too much stress to wake up with. Pretty sure my heart rate spiked a bit just reading the words “sonic drowning soundtrack”
Makes me feel better though!