I’m friends with one guy who’s got an axolotl and another who’s got one of those African grey parrots. Both really cool animals. Also knew a kid back in school that had a pet squirrel.
I’m friends with one guy who’s got an axolotl and another who’s got one of those African grey parrots. Both really cool animals. Also knew a kid back in school that had a pet squirrel.
A lot of people are pretty pissed at the dems for not doing enough too. They’re so obsessed with being a party for everyone that they’ve become a party for no one, theres a huge divide between what people want and what they’re doing. They need to unify, organize and take some stances even if it pisses some people off. I think a lot of people are just demoralized and “politically homeless” as in they just don’t identify with either party so what is the point? What would be cool is if a bunch of randoms ran third party on their own ideas and formed a coalition but good luck with that
the one with the potatoes
We burned down the white house at some point I think.
I would fully expect to get made fun of if I said something funny by accident in a different language. I’ve had that happen when I tried speaking Thai in thailand and spanish in south america and you know what? It is funny! They explain why its funny and everyone has a good laugh and I learned something! Thats how I found out the double meaning of caliente! Languages are hard and sometimes the mistakes happen to be hilarious, its not punching down. I probably sound ridiculous to a native speaker but at least I know that and I’m making an effort.
thats pretty neat actually then you can fly while you eat or text or play with a rubix cube
I’m working on a 2.5 year degree to upgrade my credentials while working part time and i’ve been on autopilot/pause the entire time. I can’t remember the last time I did something because I wanted to do it and not because i had to or it was in my schedule. Oh well I’m almost done, my remedy will be a nice vacation and having evenings and weekends back.
Google thinks I’m spanish when I search enterobacterales.
I gained an appreciation for how precise/sharp our tools are when I learned microtomy. If you so much as touch the cutting edge with anything outside of its intended use it messes up that area of the blade instantly. Same goes for a nice pair of chef’s knives.
Ya its a decent start. My point here is the scale of what we’re facing. Its going to take trillions of dollars, synchronous action taken by many nations simultaneously and a complete restructuring of the current world order. There’s always hope but at this point i’m fairly cynical and don’t have a lot of faith that the right people are in charge to even start the conversation.
solar panels or something? No one is stopping climate change with $10K, I don’t even think $10B would make a substantial dent.
Thanks for the explainer that was taking me a long time too lol
farm to table wifi
red right returning for boats/buoys
citadel, mass effect
a dude playing a dude dressed up as a dude disguised as another dude!
Final boss in sekiro be like:
bout tree fiddy