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Cake day: January 16th, 2024

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlD) all of the above
    2 hours ago

    Up until a couple years ago I thought we were moving away from racism and classism and more towards a caste system.

    Turns out we actually are, races just have their own sub-castes.

    But ultimately there are really very few examples of individuals moving past the second or third tier on their own. Those that do are often flaunted as examples of the American Dream or whatever. Basically, hunger games.

  • Well Billy, it’s when a penis penetrates persons vagina or anus without using a condom.

    Have fun now explaining condoms or why they would put a penis inside someone, to a person who is still learning how to wipe their own ass properly.

    Part of the reason why parents dodge these questions is because they know that more questions will follow, and while kids absolutely should be learning about sex (as in, having healthy sexual relationships) from their parents, that’s a conversation that’s better started a little closer to puberty.

  • Fracking is used for oil and for natural gas. And it absolutely pollutes local water supplies, aside from also using a shit ton of water, causing tremors, and wrecking wildlife habitats.

    If there’s one benefit for it, it’s that it improves energy independence because it allows us to tap more difficult wells cost-effectively.

    But that’s a bit of a stretch, because divesting away from fossil fuels also improves energy independence.

    Maybe try typing the word you’re talking about into Google before speaking so confidently out of your ass. What are you, Ace Ventura?

  • To that I would say society is failing them either further.

    How much does it cost to criminalize homelessness? Between enforcement, jailing, feeding, clothing, trials, lawyers, DAs, etc. It’s a fucking fortune.

    Why do we go right to the stick, when the carrot is cheaper and more humane? Why aren’t we helping them instead of spending more money to strip away whatever shreds of dignity they have left?

    God forbid we help people down on their luck. Much better for us to exert even more effort and capital to dehumanize them. Surely that’ll keep everyone from choosing a vagrant lifestyle and make them pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

  • Trump is an outrage machine, and we have a media that deals in an economy of outrage.

    Trump gets outrage. Outrage gets clicks. Clicks get money. It’s a pretty simple chain to follow.

    We need to wake up and realize that a profit-driven instantaneous news system that leverages strong emotions is not good for anybody. Truth is subjective nowadays, (always has been, really, but it’s especially evident in the current media climate) and all that matters is getting information and narratives (not necessarily facts) out and people consuming it (and all the ads embedded with it) there, first, and right now.

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    1 month ago

    “leftists” just want their population to be fairly represented. The system that we have now gives significantly more power to people who live in the right places.

    These places are all away from densely populated areas (which are, coincidentally, the areas that are contributing the most to our GDP, also where the highest wages are and thus where the biggest chunk of taxes are collected)

    What we are well on our way to, is a tyranny of the minority, and you sound like you’re applauding it. As if that is somehow better for everyone than majority rule, or even the stalemate we have now.

    Yeah, we want a functional democracy where not everyone, but at least the majority, thinks the same way…and also runs under the direction of a majority. You know, like a democracy should.

    What we have now is a dysfunctional democracy…one which runs counter to what the majority are thinking.