if you are lucky, there’s a big, perpetual, gigantic thermonuclear explosion in the sky
if you are lucky, there’s a big, perpetual, gigantic thermonuclear explosion in the sky
art source : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ELa2Z0
artsource : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4bmJN2
So General Robert E. Lee became a mythbusters… munsteresting
I await death, that’s what I do
because we have become indescriptibly cringe
is supposed to be, and traditionally has been
corrupt judiciary, and a government that does not represent nor even resemble the populace which is why I promote writing down everything into law
Loving v. Virginia
really ? Ok America… we need to talk. A court decision isn’t a solid enough basis for any rights, you need an actual law get your council of Elders to do something
art source : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zDoLwD
reported for targeted harassment againt me
I’d choose fainting because of low blood sugar over being concious anytime but it is a damn respectable participation
Bloody fuck that’s dark
" - Ma’am he is dead.
Challenge Accepted
I woke up this morning, alive Worst decision ever
I win
art source : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KrQ9by
this site is weird, I don’t get turbo depression when I go here
managed to fuck up damn bad for such a small cog
art source : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8wAPxO
art source : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Z93E1
This museum is worryingly close to be named “MEME”