Don’t talk about politics or religion if you don’t want to argue since most places are low trust and what you say will be taken in the worst possible way. Lurk for atleast 3 months before posting to get the vibe of the place. The report button exists. Don’t feed the trolls.(see the troll song for why) If you don’t fit in don’t try, no one is going to defend your world view even if its normal IRL. Bare in mind that anything said online can’t hurt you if you properly separate them for the IRL you. (E.g. repeating usernames, same email, ect will ID you.). ALL CAPS IS SHOUTING. Don’t post AI generated stuff unless its upfrontly tagged. Most things aren’t that deep and will be forgotten in 7 days.
You want a 6npack of BIC medium black pens
Be in their social circles
I still use VGA
Cellatape with an end folded over
I love bluetacking my webcam
Because no one will make money by promoting it
Are those the robot taxis all Larked in the same place?
Idk go to reddit its still up somehow
Probably the earth is happening
Spaced repetitions and the overwhelming feeling that the exam is in one month
Depends if you can sell it
Monopoly and gambling reliance