About 3 days. I do it every now and then since it does help relief a medical issue.
Interestingly, I don’t get hungry and don’t feel much difference overall. I could go much longer, but I don’t want to worry about refeeding syndrome.
About 3 days. I do it every now and then since it does help relief a medical issue.
Interestingly, I don’t get hungry and don’t feel much difference overall. I could go much longer, but I don’t want to worry about refeeding syndrome.
Pretty much everything? I have very specific likes and pretty much stopped consuming things outside of those, since I can’t even fit all the stuff I’m guaranteed to like.
I guess among like-minded people, Final Fantasy 7 is the most glaring omission.
For lemmy, it’s probably anything Star Wars or Star Trek.
I love almost everything about this, apparently 100h+ in Infinite Wealth was not enough for me. Although, having discovered Like a Dragon only because of their switch to turn-based combat, I’m not sure the brawling is a good fit for me.
I’ll probably pick it up eventually, assuming a new main game doesn’t drop till then.
Given an unlimited amount of tries, I can win any major lottery 10 times in a row.
Given an unlimited amount of tries, I still cannot go super saiyan. Believe me, I’m close to that amount of tries!
The internet. We’ve had a solid few years, but it has become a giant heap of shit for the most part.
Back then, not everything was an AI generated, SEO, ad riddled, interaction fishing, time wasting, data collecting nightmare with auto-playing videos and a dark pattern employing cookie banner.
I guess you haven’t had bad hemorrhoids yet, lucky you.
Same game and roughly same amount of time. Just started the main quest in Novigrad.
Got both DLCs for like 3 bucks, which was nice.
Everything from 3 times a day to once every 3 days is normal. It depends on how much you eat, how much of it your body can absorb, your fiber intake and some genetic variance too.
Your intestines aren’t a conveyor belt, things don’t constantly move. There are multiple muscles acting as a valve between different sections. Based on the factors above your body decides when to push stuff to the next section including the exit.
Not entirely, however, I feel as though proper resource management got less common over time. While the ideas are still present in modern games, they tend to be easy enough that most resources can just be horded. Most people don’t even use consumables nowadays. Games are seemingly balanced around ignoring entire systems.
From my point of view, you’ve got it wrong, but so do many developers. A good JRPG is all about resource management. Your HP, MP, items, money and the balance between these and your EXP and equipment. Combat is simply a drain on your resources up until the final boss, which should require more strategy. This needs something akin to a dungeon without constant healing and money being a thight resource. Once you’re in a dungeon, you should either be prepped or doomed.
You mostly see this done in dungeon crawlers, think any Etrian Odyssey game for example. Persona 5 goes for the same thing, as do most Shin Megami Tensei games.
Most modern games, however, are overly lenient with either money or healing. Often times, combat is easy enough to not even drain your resources. That’s when endless grinding becomes an option. Once you’ve destroyed this balance, you need something else to keep attention and that’s where I think your observation comes in.
I think they want to intimidate others, but honestly giving him this much of a spotlight should be the dream of anyone thinking about attacking another CEO for attention.
Level scaling is never fun and never will be, I think. There is no progression if your fights with early enemies are just as hard as they were 50h ago.
You could probably design around that by providing in-depth build options such that optimized builds outscale other entities of the same level. Later game enemies themselves would be optimized better and better. But that’s really hard and I’ve never seen it done. Why even provide a dynamic build for each enemy with each level if you could just have a normal non-scaling progression?
These systems often lead to me avoiding combat altogether. While not exactly a crpg, Oblivion was more fun to me without ever leveling up (which was optional, but made fights kinda pointless).
That’s basically how ‘Pokemon Channel’ played.
That mech-woman seems like a direct copy of Kerrigan from StarCraft, their faction even assimilates others.
I’m surprisingly indifferent about this, despite playing ER multiple times and loving the DLC. Maybe I’ll get it at a discount in the future.
My homecooked meals aren’t healthy enough! My eating habits are too salty with too little vegetables.
Yeah, I’m somewhat of a health nut otherwise.
When does something count as being eaten - once you swallow it? I don’t think you’d succeed at that with lava.
I don’t remember believing in Santa, so at the very least it wasn’t an important moment of my childhood. Writing letters isn’t a common thing where I live, instead we got a thick catalogue and circled everything we liked. I guess that made it pretty obvious from the very beginning.
Whether or not I’d lie to my hypothetical children… I don’t know. I guess I don’t care either way and would leave it up to my partner.
As for me, it used to be 50/50 back when I studied. However, ever since I’ve entered the workforce I mostly stopped watching videos.
I need to constantly learn new things, tackle new problems and optimize stuff. I usually go for the highest difficulties too. In theory, my job provides these tasks for me, however, I get a lot of satisfaction from trying and failing things over and over until I’ve figured them out myself. I can’t usually do this professionally, as most problems have already been solved and I’m just learning how others did it. The same as playing with a guide or watching a video on a game. It just doesn’t scratch the itch.
Ignoring all the other choices, why is his right arm green?