Doubtful. Exercise doesn’t contribute to weight loss nearly as much as people want to believe.
Your body gets used to exercise pretty quick.
If you’re not willing to significantly change your diet the exercise isn’t going to do squat.
Doubtful. Exercise doesn’t contribute to weight loss nearly as much as people want to believe.
Your body gets used to exercise pretty quick.
If you’re not willing to significantly change your diet the exercise isn’t going to do squat.
Diet. Not exercise.
How do you not realize this photo has been shopped?
This is top heavy as fuck and will likely fall over on transit.
Take two trips. Or three.
Nah fuck it. Let’s do it ALL in one trip. Laziness.
Not seeing how this will end in disaster = lack of intelligence.
Again, laziness exceeds intelligence.
Hey listen I get it. The guy doesn’t have a truck or van to use because of poverty. That truly sucks. But there is no excuse for this. This is dumb. Like I said take an additional trip or two.
When laziness exceeds intelligence
Imagine giving a fucking about what Europeans think.
Because some people were never taught critical thinking skills
I’ll use my mind reader and let you know
Hilarious joke bro! Do you do stand up?
LOL. Elon is self made? Where did he get that from?
Did he conveniently forget mommy and daddy are rich from their emerald mine?
Self made means you don’t come from wealth and don’t have a support system to make you even more rich.
Your brother is a moron.
I hate birthdays so I am OK with everyone forgetting
What happens when they remember the candy but forget other shit?
Sounds totally rational….
At this point there is only so much outrage a person can have before it all feels the same.
Come on man you can’t even spell divide
I’m pretty sure my house got flipped by some DIY morons
Fuck if I know. These people were idiots and did so many stupid things
Ya. Don’t you care at all about your health? Why wouldn’t you check?
You’ll have sore legs