I mean, aren’t all our SS numbers readily available? Don’t you remember when our creditor institutions got hacked?
I spread this video around like a few weeks ago. It wreaks of Lefty q-anon. It’s fine if you feel differently but no one wanted to engage on it. I’m not talking about content either. I’m talking how they framed their argument. Would love to really discuss this video in a different setting but like I said I spread it a over and it only made people upset.
I have my doubts but we will see. I don’t think you’re far off but I think your timeline is a bit drastic. We can already see trump pull back the reigns here or there, why would he if he’s getting ready to plunge in feet first?
Oh, so now you’re saying mail is DEI, I can’t even with you people.
It’s from Homestar Runner originally and unfortunately the Nazis picked the
correctevil pronunciation
Of course they did, they are evil.
You mean Americans would have never known about their private data? How sinister.
Actually sounds like unspeakably good stewardship which is unheard of these days.
All that with data they stole from the American people.
The power of doggy compels you
No doubt, what, are we going to elect a Democrat and elon will just willingly answer to that guy? Yeah fucking right.
To me, it’s ok, because the people behind it pronounce it dōj and I always pronounced it doggy. So now we know the evil pronunciation is dōj.
It’s not like these people are open to reasoned debate. The only answer is there is something broken inside and fuck if I know what.
I’m failing to see where it refutes my argument.
Less of a magicians trick and more like that time you were 2 and dad took your nose. Some fuckers still out there everyday looking for their damn nose.
We are probably past the point where any sort of small conflict or skirmish can change anything. We need to think how we can establish a long term, sustained, counter to what the trumples are doing.
This is just an example, but another poster wanted to say this is all a conflict of country vs city. Suppose that’s true, well then we a clear path to solving it. If rural people can attack city folks politically, there are certainly ways we can retaliate. Rural people are so isolated they have no idea how much they depend on the manufacturing and industry residing in cities. That doesn’t have to be the end of it either. We can leave the urban centers and do work from home or get by through other means.
These are just examples of how we need to be thinking. We tried really hard to change the laws that oppress people and what resulted was an attack on equity and people who believe in it. We need to regroup, understanding the law has never been on our side, and form new strategies that accomplish the same goals.
The last thing we should do is abandon our beliefs.
If it were actually country vs city why donald trump?
… no one believes trump will deliver a smaller government. If they do they haven’t been paying attention.
This use to just be a libertarian thing, too. So, you can say they are united in this cause but could I really ask any MAGA person and this is what they will tell me?
Those conditions are becoming less and less. Sure you might sleep well tonight but the second your maimed driving your polution machine you’re a burden on a system that no longer cares.
Say you make it to old age. A few more raids on the stock market and your 401k disappears and when you go to cash your social security it’s been drained since 2025.
Your future was just stolen from you and you don’t even know it yet.
No worries you raised a family, surely they will care for you. Except there is so much generational resentment they want nothing to do with you. Say you were good to them and they love you. Even then your fucked because elon took college grants and blew up the department of education. Now they are scrapping by because you didn’t have the money to bank roll them through private school and college.
Your twilight years which were suppose to be spent playing every game in your steam library while hooked up to an oculus rift have been replaced with waiting at Costco in the bread line and giving blowies so you can buy 30 minutes at the local PC bang to play overwatch 3.
I’m just saying, if the author of the video wanted to send a message, stealing from the q anon play book was so wildly misguided.