I’m not even American and I’m mad. Most of what I’ve heard from Americans is that they’re mad.
I’m not even American and I’m mad. Most of what I’ve heard from Americans is that they’re mad.
I believe it’s in American history X. But yeah, not overly common. When I saw K-word, I was thinking ki*e or Karen haha.
I preferred them when they weren’t so political.
/S obviously haha. I’m currently cutting a stencil that says “Nazi lives don’t matter” to make some shirts.
That’s why you take the ears to help count.
We still use the u’s (colour, etc.). Is that a prerequisite?
Nor am I. It appears scarlet kingsnakes used to be considered a milk snake, but not anymore.
The scarlet kingsnake page has a pretty good line from “peepshow”:
“Red next to black, jump the fuck back, red next to yellow, cuddly fellow”,
Although that’s the opposite of what I’ve always heard. Maybe it was supposed to be wrong?
This is pretty much my goto. Red touch black, friend of Jack. Red touch yellow, kill a fellow.
Isn’t it a milk snake?
After your comment, I’m declaring the OPs post TL;DR. Thanks for saving me some time. Much appreciated.
Sounds like something a narc would say.
Is that link rigged…? This is what I got:
My dad works for sync.
What about for a 20+ mL titration? Also how would you quantify the exact volume for the endpoint if it’s when the plunger is half depressed?
Depending on where you are. The farms are still selling multiple dozen for like $8.
Pretty much all of my music stuff (instruments, amps, pedals). I could maybe see myself selling some, or trading or whatever. But at least the physical instruments should last a long forever…unless some catastrophic event damages them.
Haha. Good point. Glad I’m not there, or from there.
Lemonparty.org has some great lemon-themed party ideas.