Just following up on this, I stumbled on this: https://tuta.com/mailbox
I think it might help. I could definitely see that depending on your use case, Mailbox may be a better choice. I think for general privacy they’re both good, with Tuta having a few “a step above” offerings security-wise but maybe not necessary for most users.
Hope they catch them and I hope those individuals lose their jobs.
I get it, and please, you do you. There’s no issue.
I’d just add that I can save money using Amazon, but I try to avoid it when I can. I’ll pay a little extra when I can, for the greater good.
I think I’d need some more time to really answer, but on the outset, I find Mailbox.org’s interface more intuitive with more settings and generally feels cleaner and more streamlined. Creating aliases and domain aliases in mailbox seems more proton-like in its simplicity.
Tuta I think is more private and secure, but bits of their interface and app need polish. One reason I think Tuta is more secure despite them both touting security and privacy is that Mailbox search works immediately, whereas Tuta requires you to agree to a permission and states it stores everything locally to you so it may take up space. I think Tuta isn’t doing any server-side indexing of any kind? Unsure.
edit: Mailbox doesn’t have a native app, and Tuta has a native app but I think it’s largely a webview. Notifications work OK but you’ll click on a notification and then have to wait for the app to actually connect and resync before you can view it.
I have two domains, one in each of Tuta and Mailbox. It was originally so I could try both out, but now I figure it doesn’t hurt to keep 'em separated. I’m still new to non-proton so I am sort of still feeling things out.
Nothing really too interesting or tricky about it, just bred out of curiosity.
Since ditching Proton for Tuta and Mailbox…I haven’t missed anything and I’m saving money.
Or replace cats with billionaires.
I work with people who do this and I hate it so much that I will intentionally ignore their messages for 30+ minutes and then say I’m busy for X time just to delay it.
Why? Because these individuals, 100% of the time, will get on the call just to show me a screenshot of something and ask a question. Half the time it’s yes or no, I’ll answer, they’ll say thanks, and hang up.
I’ve asked them time and time again that they can just send me the screenshot and the question and I’ll answer - they refuse.
I don’t know if I buy voter apathy anymore. 1/3rd of the people I talk to voted 3rd party to “teach them a lesson” - fuckers taught nobody anything except the loss of democracy.
Google searches for “did biden drop out” and the like skyrocketed on election day.
It doesn’t seem like voter apathy, it seems like systemically curated stupidity and ignorance.
I think a lot of people are clinging on to this hope that “this isn’t really America” and “this doesn’t represent America”. I’m slowly coming to terms with the idea that maybe this is America and it is what America represents, and it is an ugly truth to swallow.
No, no, and no.
Same for my wife.
My only concern is the future Idiocracy of the world, but I don’t think my having a kid would’ve fixed that anyway.
I work for shitty companies and just take like 8x longer to do tasks. That’s the only way I kinda justify it.
I’m pretty sure everyone I work with is doing it too, because our velocity has become normal/expected now.
Also for the ones constantly monitoring your “available” status, proper mouse jigglers are great for when you want to take a looooong lunch or watch TV.
I also got a cheap used phone for logging in to employer Teams or Slack so I can pretend to be at a computer even if I’m at the store grocery shopping or at the bar drinking.
edit: Similar to another comment, I use the money for my community. Donating to food banks, buying clothing to donate, I recently donated a couple of computers to people who needed them, a few monitors, a cellphone, I helped my friend pay off their medical debt, etc.
I couldn’t do that without the money these jobs pay. If I’m still meeting expectations but it isn’t detrimental to my mental health and I can take their money and do good, I call that a win.
Seriously, why can’t they just die already.
Meh, let people judge. Sucks they don’t feel comfortable enough in their own meat skin to do the same.
My wife converses with herself when nobody is around. What the fuck ever, it helps her process things, it is fine.
What does this mean?
Eggs in the supermarket near me are anywhere from $4.99 to $12.99 for 12.
Eggs from farmers near me are $4 for 12.
Easy to guess where I buy my eggs.
I’d prefer he pardon Luigi.