Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024

  • No.

    You say that a lot of people applying feel alien to you. Why not attempt to bridge the gap instead of forcing them into your persecption of what a software designer should be like in their free time. I’m sorry that you don’t work with people who have the same passion, but people shouldn’t be punished because they’re just trying to make money. It’s a job, not their family or friends. Wanting to climb the ladder is not a bad motivation to work.

    Try and take a step back, maybe even put the shoe on the other foot. Would you feel okay if you weren’t hired because you didn’t partake in a certain hobby? What if the person hiring you thinks you should be a Star Trek fan of the highest order, or that they think you need to be up to date on philosophy. That’s just not a reason to deny someone a job imo and it’s not fair. I low key see it as boomer behavior to include something like a hobby as a factor in hiring.

  • I see it as a “I don’t see color” kind of thing. You may be able to see it as “just” a class war, but people who may be a different race, or disabled, etc., can’t do that because those factors can change how you’re treated. Saying we should ignore it or rebrand it as a class war is disregarding the reprocussions that race plays in the class war. What communities get funding? What communities have good schools? What communities have food deserts? Who gets promoted to leadership?

    Before these things came to be, America was very much class-war only in my opinion, which is why boomer white Americans did so well. They were all seen as the same community, so raising them up was raising them all up. So they had Veterans benefits and programs after the war to help them get housing and education. Unions protected their members. But those programs didn’t always extend to POC, if at all. That’s why we have to keep an eye on it. It’s not just class that affects people, and not talking about it allows the majority to pretend it isn’t happening, or is a minor issue. I think it also facilities the silencing of minorities as their issues seem “fringe” or like complaints.

    The system was not built for a lot of people, and we have to keep reminding people of that. Because what’s going on in the US is showing that. They’re worried about anti-Christians and immigrants, transgenders, etc. Even if those people are also poor, that won’t save them if we just see class. A middle class, transgender woman who may have been a “good guy” is now an enemy be cause of their gender identity alone. A black man being followed in a store is not being followed for class reasons. People with disabilities having trouble just existing are not having that trouble (solely) because of class.

    Getting rid of DEI/CRT makes the loudest voice everyone’s voice. And that person is usually not looking out for us.

  • I guess my issue is why the discomfort of some men is what dominated the conversation (in this instance). Men are also victims of murder, more so than women. But this thread went right into, “You’re making us feel attacked.” This wasn’t about them in this capacity. The energy wasn’t, "I wonder why that is, or, “me too” or even, “lol, hyperbole.” It’s like, “Me too” versus “what about me” energy.

    One of the highest posts (at the time of replying) is a damn near essay about how it’s worse for men when the post isn’t even denying that in the first place. Like, I don’t even disagree with it, but why are “you” on the defensive? If we’re on the same side, and both genders don’t want to be murdered, why did “You” come in with that energy? I could understand if they said “me too” and were hit with an essay in return, or silenced. But they weren’t (not that they should have been). Men didn’t join this conversation/thread and expand on the experience, they took it over and completely changed topic because (some of) their hurt feelings were more pressing than the concerns being referenced to. This meme didn’t even pick women out as the sole victim, and they still came in ready to yell over the hypothetical female victim of this hypothetical night crime.

    Their feelings being hurt outweighed any truth behind that meme. Their feelings outweighed concerns for their own safety. Their feelings outweighed any woman who did feel like that post was relatable, who could have shared tips or suggestions. If someone did that now, they would have to “prove” their point before they could address it, or that they’re not trying to say they hate xyz, they’re just trying to give tips, etc.,etc.

    This is not to say those mens’ feelings do not matter, nor that they should not be addressed in how we talk about violence, this is to say that this wasn’t about them, feelings or otherwise. It was about people, of any gender, who like going out at night, but sometimes get spooked. It was making a joke at how some activities aren’t always safe, and that sucks. If they saw themselves on the same side, I don’t know why they made it “male victim” VS “female victim” in the first place.

    (Sorry that this is long as hell. I’m a rambler.)

  • I am judged for the way I look. I am very large and masculine, as well as black. I am more likely to be confused as the danger than be in danger. I have had women cross the street to avoid me. So, as a person who has experienced this more than being seen as a woman, I still wouldn’t be upset. I don’t get mad or offended when a woman avoids me because she doesn’t know me. I’m a stranger, and she doesn’t owe me her bravery or even her kindness. Yeah, she doesn’t know me, yeah, I’m not a threat, but I don’t know that woman and it’s not for me to police.

    And you know what I mean by the last part. I am very, very well aware that emotional abuse is extremely damaging. Any kind of abuse is. What I meant was that if you have the choice of murder or emotional abuse, I would pick emotional abuse simply on the ground that I’m not dying, not because I think it’s “easy.” I thought it was belittling the danger that some people face as not a fear for their lives. That’s why I compared it to male DV because I believe that to be on a similar level, not that emotional abuse just doesn’t exist. I was hoping that seeing it from another perspective, one that is usually ignored and belittled when men go through it, would allow for some understanding as to how it’s hurtful to belittle some women’s concerns walking at night.

    Like, this is so fucking ridiculous (not you, this thread). All the post said was “too bad men murder” and we have people twisted up because it wasn’t , “too bad there’s the potential for man to murder another man at night.” i don’t see this hoopla on posts when men say they can’t cry, or that, for an example, they don’t get complimented enough. I don’t women coming in because they’re like, “I actually do compliment men. Do you know how it feels to be assumed to not give compliments with such a statement?” No, I am not saying compliments are on the same level or social stigma, but everyone seems to understand hyperbole in those situations.

  • I wouldn’t defend it because I wouldn’t even think it was talking about me in the first place. Some women are emotionally abusive, but I wouldn’t assume they literally meant every single woman on earth is an asshole and feel the urge to swoop in with, “Hey, not all women. Some of us are nice! Here, look at these studies that show that women are more likely to be in the other end of the abuse!”

    Honestly, I’m more concerned if you think the threat of murder at night is a comparable threat to emotional abuse from any gender.

  • Random woman: I like late night walks, but I’m scared for my safety.

    This thread for some reason: YOU DON’T THINK MEN GET SCARED? MURDERED!?

    Like, chill. Yes, men can absolutely be murdered/hurt walking alone. But are we really going to sit here and act like women are making up their concerns/grievances out of spite? For some reason, if anyone mentions a general concern/issue related to women’s experiences with men, some people trip over themselves to say how it’s actually not an issue and how it’s actually so much worse for men. If I’m listening to a male DV victim and I go, “well, actually, women are more likely to be victims of DV. You know, it’s actually not even an issue for you. Here, look at these numbers that prove that women are the victims. Do you not mention it because you hate women? Why are you trying to ruin our spotless reputation as delicate flowers that can do no wrong with your lies”, you would think I was nuts, and for good reason.

    • Wicked: I did a storyboard for this in college. I absolutely think this should have been an animated movie. And not 3D. Not because it’s bad, but I always envisioned the world to be more magical. And I think the animation opportunities would be AMAZING.
    • Cats: Also should have been animated, and most of the cast was not picked for their singing ability. I think this could work in either 3D or 2D.
    • Fatal Frame: I would love them to get the SH2 treatment. Same story but a bit more polished? And maybe a few glance features? Gosh, I’d be so fucking hype.
    • The Hunger Games: Should have been a miniseries in my opinion. It was too much for a movie if you hadn’t read the book. So much is internal, but you don’t have the time to really infer that because of how fast they have to move.
    • Les Miserables Just… You know, maybe give it a second pass…
    • Rose of Versailles: I just want a nice remake, but, in late 80’s/early 90’s anime style. Not too big of a jump from the original style, but I think it would look nice.
    • Elizabeth Freeman: When Hamilton came out (which I enjoyed immensely) I was like, “Huh. Rapping slave masters is neat, but any other stories for POC?” I then found out about Ms. Freeman, a woman I had literally never heard of. She sued for her own freedom before the Emancipation Proclamation and fucking won. Give me some songs about that shit. I already knew about the Founding Fathers and their greatness." As catchy as it is, maybe we could have spoken about someone else?
    • Erased: Minor nitpick that always bothered me. When you first time see the villain (before you realize they’re the villain) they’re shown in half shadow. I was like," wouldn’t that be funny if that was villain? But they wouldn’t be that obvious." i spent the whole show trying to figure out who it was, but it was them. I wish I could have gotten rid of that one frame.
    • PTSD Radio: I could see it working like Yami Shibai. I think it would be neat!
    • Kuon: Remake, please and then you.

  • A lot.

    The information was not hidden, he wasn’t even trying to hide it. It’s not like you had to read between the lines. Anyone who willingly voted for him is on my shit-list. I understand not liking Biden or Kamala, but I will never understand looking between them and Trump and thinking that, in any way, he would be the better alternative in any capacity. He is a facist, and even worse, he’s a dumb one. He’s easily entertained and influenced. He doesn’t care about anyone that isn’t him (or that he doesn’t want to fuck). He’s not president because he cares, he’s president because he can. I think anyone who voted for him was incredibly selfish, minimum. “He’s going to lower groceries.” Even if he did, is that worth it the oligarchy? Is it worth losing rights? Is it worth Palestine? Is it worth everything else increasing? Is it worth making way for a Dictator? Is it worth making a home for facists? Is it worth watching families be ripped apart?

    I would say no, but many of my countrymen disagreed.